White Rose Christmas

Autumn/winter 2017 has been massive for Midas already, in construction, offshore and events particularly.

In terms of the latter, Midas took on the Yorkshire leg of the Magical Lantern Festival, at Roundhay Park, Leeds, alongside Birmingham and the Chiswick flagship, which we have been involved with since it launched. Midas has built a productive relationship with organiser Weli Entertainment, powering the event’s considerable success in the north, the midlands and the capital.

Winchester’s celebrated Christmas Market, another event Midas has a considerable history with, is a bigger project too, for its 350,000 plus visitors, with more chalets in the Cathedral’s historic Close, and for its principal contractor.

In 2017, the Cathedral, which runs the show, asked Midas to manage the architectural lighting, another 20 per cent on its contract, and the company quickly lit the changes, LEDs shining out to the town centre for the first time.

We’re always tweaking and adjusting what we do at Winchester and, ultimately, having control of another aspect makes the process more fluid,” Midas’ Operations Director, Andy Dann, says. “There’s a good bunch of suppliers there and it’s a pleasure to play a prominent part in delivering one of the most picturesque Christmas markets in Europe.”