
Suffolk Show success

Numbers were up at the Suffolk Show and the quality of enquiry on the Midas stand was excellent. Several hire contracts were negotiated there and then, with equipment quickly dispatched. In one case, the day after the show finished. “There were numerous location visits for prospective clients as well and a schedule of works [...]

2017-04-26T18:14:36+01:00September 14th, 2016|Agriculture, Events Sector|

See Midas at the Suffolk Show, 2016

Midas will be exhibiting at this years Suffolk Show, held as always at the wonderful Trinity Park, Ipswich, on the 1st - 2nd June. We will be bringing a wide range of diesel and biofuel powered generators with us, including the brand new QS range of generators from JCB. Additionally we will be showing [...]

2020-08-19T12:09:41+01:00February 25th, 2016|Agriculture, Midas News|

New QS Generator Range Perfect for Agriculture & Construction

JCB Power products have recently launched an even more efficient range of diesel generators with a number of improved features, aimed at the farming and construction sectors.The JCB QS range of diesel engine powered generators can provide electrical power to grain stores and driers for seasonal use where no mains electricity is available.The JCB QS [...]

2017-10-03T16:41:06+01:00April 22nd, 2015|Agriculture, JCB|
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